End of an Era for Sinai Temple
I have no doubt that my former shul will go from strength to strength with Rabbis Nicole Guzik and Erez Sherman at the helm, but the news that Rabbi David Wolpe is stepping away from the pulpit at Sinai Temple is the end of an era.
Rabbi Wolpe has meant so much to his congregation and to the Jewish community of Los Angeles over the past 25 years. But he’s also been a mentor to me for more than two decades since I first set foot in Sinai Temple. He has been there for me and my family when we needed him. He has guided me through moments and milestones, both personal and professional.
Before I left Los Angeles to work in the White House, I sought his wisdom. When I was offered my current position at ADL, he shared his counsel. Along the way, whether I sat in the sanctuary on a Shabbat morning, or now via the Sinai podcast later in the week, his sermons have helped me to make sense of the world. I feel blessed to have benefited from Rabbi Wolpe’s insights but moreover his friendship over the last 20+ years.
His intelligence, integrity and grace have been a source of inspiration to so many. I would imagine that his new platform at Harvard Divinity School will offer opportunities for even more people to hear his message. I certainly look forward to continuing to learn from Rabbi Wolpe as he undertakes this new adventure.